5 Reasons You Should Hold A Fantasy Football Draft This Year

Despite the fact that we are only 2 weeks away from the NFL season, and the NFL Covid-19 protocols have helped prevent any major setbacks so far, there are a staggering number of fantasy football leagues this year that are planning to cancel their season.

Uncertainty around what the season may bring has created high levels of pessimism into many of our fantasy football leagues. This pessimism isn’t completely without merit. After all, once the season begins, it will bring about new challenges for the NFL. We’ve all seen the obstacles the MLB has had to face.


It’s easy to be pessimistic, but very little is to be gained from it. By assuming the worst, we are sidelining the potential to make things a little better. Instead, let’s make the most of a bad situation. Squeeze out a little joy where we can. And what brings more joy than a FANTASY FOOTBALL DRAFT?
Nothing. Nothing is more joyful than drafting!

So if you are in a league filled with a handful of Debbie Downers, here are 5 good reasons that you can use to convince these killjoys of why you should hold a fantasy football draft:

  1. Because Drafting is Awesome!
    Lest we forget, the draft is the best part of fantasy football. It’s often times the one point of the year we can gather (physically and/or virtually) with a lot of our closest friends, and do something we all love together: Drinking. Trash-talking. DRAFTING!

  2. Drafting is a Better than the Alternative
    Seriously, would really rather be binge watching “Law & Order SVU” for the 5th time since quarantine? Stop it. Mix things up a bit. Even if the NFL season does tragically end at some point this season, at least you got to have a draft.

  3. “He who hesitates, regrets.”
    Do you really want it to be week 15 in the NFL, and you’re sitting in front of the TV watching Patrick Mahomes throw his 40th TD of the season, knowing the whole time how much better it would be if you had a fantasy stake in it all. This could have been your year! Don’t create the potential for this type of regret.

  4. There is a Safe Way to Draft during a Pandemic
    Wear masks. Hold a draft outside. Stay 6-10 feet apart from each other. Draft completely online and chat in Google Meet. There are tons of ways to hold a safe draft during a pandemic.

  5. Stop Waiting For Better Times
    Make the most of a bad situation. You can’t just keep waiting for the pandemic to end, because who knows when that time is to come. Suck it up. Make some rules for your league to adjust to possible Covid scenarios, and get your league’s draft (and season) rolling!

Drafting during a pandemic

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