Latest Additions to FanDraft 2020
We’ve been hard at work all summer to continue to add new features and functionality to the all new FanDraft Online application. We’re, of course, always in the process of adding and improving the new online platform, but here are some of the latest additions that you may have missed:
Voice Announcer
The Voice Announcer is back, and better than ever. For information on how to change the voices used, see this link.
For those holding in-person drafts, you can customize different “voice reactions” that the announcer will say when the Commish triggers the “Positive” or “Negative” button during the draft.
Hosted mp3
Added on 6/5/20, this feature removed the need to utilize the BETA Apple Music player for importing “Team Songs”. We also just improved the Team Song timing, so that it doesn’t overlap the Voice Announcer, as well as adding a “Volume Control” specifically for the team song music.
bid$ left/ max bid
Added on 8/6/20, the ability for auction drafts to swap between showing "Bid $ Left" and "Max Bid" on the header board. We also added the option to show the auction $ spent towards players won, onto the player cell in the draft board.
Added on 7/14/20, FanDraft now fully integrates with the platform, allowing for importing of your MFL setup, as well as Exporting draft results to your MFL league.
Along with these highlights above, you can see the full running list of updates via our Forums area here.